
Spanking ?

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On Wednesday Night, March 1st, we will discuss “Spanking.”  Our church has been blessed with new babies over the last several years.  Now the question about Spanking is being asked. I wonder “Why?”  Could it be that these “little bundles of joy” who came home from the hospital are now beginning to show signs of being “little rebels” who would rather do things their own way instead of obeying their parents?

I recently received an email with an attached article from “Focus on the Family” authored by Pastor Chip Ingram called “The Biblical Approach to Spanking” with 7 Steps on how to properly spank a child.

Then I read an article from the “Religious News Service” by Christian writer Jonathan Merritt that challenged whether advice from Christian leaders like Chip Ingram about spanking is truly Biblical.  The title for Merritt’s article is “5 myths of ‘Biblical spanking.’ Taking the text literally would land you in jail.” Merritt makes the case that the “kinder gentler” discipline advocated by many of our Christian Leaders may be “kinder” but it is not very “Biblical.”

Should Christian Parents Spank their children as a form of discipline?

  • Yes (100%, 26 Votes)
  • No (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Undecided (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 26

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