
Was there any Heavenly Hope in the Old Testament ?

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On Wednesday Night, we will discuss “Heaven”.   As Christians, we love to sing songs about Heaven. At funerals, we sorrow – but we do not “sorrow as those who have no hope” – because we have a Hope of Heaven.  Most of our “Heaven” Songs and Sermons are based on “The Revelation” – the Last Book in the Bible.  Heaven has Streets of Gold, Gates of Pearl – a Sorrow Free, Pain Free, and Death Free Life! Heaven is also one of the “selling points” for Christianity.  It is how we get people to convert to Christianity, to come to church, and to learn to behave – “there is a Heaven to Gain and a Hell to Shun.”  But again – the clear descriptions of Heaven and Hell come to us from the New Testament in general and the Book of Revelation in particular.

Before Jesus came and gave us details about Heaven and Hell – what motivated the Old Testament saints?  If they did NOT have visions of the Fires of Hell and the Streets of Gold in Heaven – what incentive did they have to live righteous lives?   That will be our question of the evening –

Was there any Heavenly Hope in the Old Testament ?

  • Yes (100%, 13 Votes)
  • No (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Not Sure (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 13

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