
Will Daily Bible Reading Turn you in to a Liberal?

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On Wednesday Night, Apr 13th , we will be studying the impact of Daily Bible Reading. Back in December, I received an article with a title that read “WARNING: Actual Bible Reading likely to Turn You Into A Liberal – Study Shows” written by a Randa Morris (churchandstate.org). The article referred to a Christianity Today study that said people who say they read the Bible are far more likely to support liberal policies when compared to people who participated in “Guided Reading” under the direction of church leaders.

People who read the Bible for themselves are more likely to:

-support abolishing the Death Penalty

-believe that science and religion are compatible

-seek social and economic justice

-consume less goods

Morris went on to include another study conducted by the Southern Baptist Lifeway Research Group which found that only 19 percent of Christian churchgoers say they read the Bible on a daily basis.  The author concludes that “all of this goes a long way toward explaining how conservatives can claim to be Christian, yet behave in a manner that is completely contrary to what Jesus taught in the Bible. They’ve never read the Bible. They rely on Fox News and Rush Limbaugh for their religious instruction.”

What do you think?

Will Daily Bible Reading Turn you in to a Liberal?

  • No (100%, 24 Votes)
  • Yes (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Not Sure (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 24

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