
The Supernatural Birth of Jesus Christ

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On Wednesday Night, December 23rd, we will study the Supernatural Birth of Christ. As Christmases come and go, there is the temptation (even among Christians) for Christmas to become a Holiday Ritual. With all the activities surrounding the Season, it is easy to overlook the Miracle of Christmas. It is easy to read Luke 2 and think “Jesus was randomly born in a little town called Bethlehem and grew up and became a great teacher of Love who made the world a little better because he lived.”

While Luke 2 is the wonderful story of the birth of Jesus – it is not the whole story, it is the fulfilment of the story of the Supernatural, Miraculous Birth of Christ. The Story actually begins in Eternity Past – when this story began in the mind of God “before the foundation of the world” (1Peter 1:20). The first indication of the story of Christmas begins in human history with the Original Sin of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. In Genesis 3:15 God Promised that her (Eve’s) descendent or son would ultimately defeat the “seed” of the Serpent. This prophecy happened about 4000 years before the first Christmas. Throughout the following millennia the Lord would speak through other prophets to give clues to mankind about this Messiah, this “Anointed One”, this Christ who would come into the world and save us from our sin.

As you study these Messianic Prophecies, you will discover that Christmas did not happen by accident. It was a supernatural, miraculous work of God fulfilling His plan to “seek and save that which was lost (Luke 19:10)”

To prepare for this study, please answer the following question:

Which Prophet wrote that The Messiah would be Born in Bethlehem?

  • Micah (77%, 10 Votes)
  • Isaiah (15%, 2 Votes)
  • Malachi (8%, 1 Votes)
  • Jeremiah (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 13

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