
The Pope & UN Agenda 2030

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On Wednesday Night, September 30th, we will be discussing the Pope and the United Nations Agenda 2030. During Pope Francis’ recent visit to the United States, he went to the United Nations facility in New York to give the keynote addess for their UN Global Sustainable Development Goals which they expect to be completed by 2030. If you go to the UN website,

you will see 17 Projects listed such as ending poverty, hunger, war, disease, and income inequality. While they are doing this, they also plan to protect the planet from man-made global climate change and ensure prosperity for all. When you think about it – we are talking about restoring the Garden of Eden and building a stairway to Heaven by 2030 without any help from God. These are very lofty goals. They are also very expensive goals – estimated to cost around $3 trillion per year til 2030 (Reuters).

If you look at a transcript of the Pope’s speech – apparently he thinks this humanist agenda is possible and he also doesn’t make much mention of God. Even though he is supposed to be the “Vicar of Christ” (the Earthly Representation of Christ), he does not mention Jesus Christ even once – he makes one reference to “Almighty God” and one reference to “the Most High” as part of his benediction. He did make 15 references to the United Nations which I’m left to assume he believes holds the key to global peace and prosperity.

As I watched all of this papal pageantry, I could not help but think “WWJD” – What would Jesus do?

Would Jesus promote UN AGENDA 2030?

  • No (95%, 18 Votes)
  • Yes (5%, 1 Votes)
  • Not Sure (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 19

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