
Is Same Sex Marriage the moral equivalent of eating Shrimp?

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On Wednesday Night, Jul 15th, we will be discussing “Moral Equivalence.”  In recent days – since the US Supreme Court’s approval of Same Sex Marriage – I have read several “opinion” articles in local newspapers about the inconsistency and hypocrisy of Christians who quote the Bible from Leviticus about homosexuality being an abomination (Lev 20:13) – but these same Christians go to buffet restaurants and do not seem to have any qualms about feasting on pork, shrimp, catfish, etc –  which are also forbidden in Leviticus 11. These editorials go on to charge Christians with “cherry picking” Bible verses to suit their own prejudices while ignoring verses about their favorite sins. One writer closed his article by paraphrasing Jesus (Mat 7:3)- “so how about tending to the beams in your own eyes and stop yelling about the motes in the eyes of your brothers.”

This is a form of Moral Equivalence. One sin is just as bad as another. One sin is “equal” to another. There are hundreds of Laws in Leviticus. Everybody breaks some of them – Why do we only choose to “preach” about a few of them?  “Judge not that you be not judged (Mat 7:1).”

Are these Opinion editors right?  Are all sins equal?  Does eating shellfish pose the same threat to our social order as same sex marriage?  Does eating BBQ pork carry the same warning of the impending wrath of God as homosexuality? Both are forbidden in Leviticus.

Is Same Sex Marriage the moral equivalent of eating Shrimp?

  • No (94%, 17 Votes)
  • Not Sure (6%, 1 Votes)
  • Yes (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 18

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