
Prayer Meeting

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On Wednesday Night, February 11th, we will discuss Prayer Meetings. I’m a little reluctant to announce this topic – because in recent times to announce a prayer meeting usually means a serious reduction in attendance. A church with 200 attenders on Sunday Morning may have as few as 10 who will come to a prayer meeting. This is really a sad commentary on the church because a careful study of the Bible will reveal that from Genesis to Revelation – God has chosen to work through the prayers of His people. In the Book of Acts, we see how God worked through the prayers of the early church to “turn the world upside down” (Acts 17:6). Could it be that the reason the church is not making much progress in the “culture wars” is because the prayer meeting has all but disappeared?

The Prayer Meeting is how the early church communed with the Lord, built unity among fellow Christians, found comfort during persecution, received divine help in hopeless situations, and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ around the world. The Prayer Meeting was also a School of Prayer for new believers who learned to pray by praying with other Christians.

To prepare for our meeting, please read Acts 4 – and meditate on this prayer meeting (v 31) where “the place .. was shaken and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and they spoke the Word of God with Boldness.”  Please pray about the following question:

Am I satisfied with my prayer life?

  • No (74%, 14 Votes)
  • Yes (26%, 5 Votes)

Total Voters: 19

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