
Do we need Church Buildings?

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On Wednesday Night, November 19th, we will discuss “Church Buildings.”  Recently, as I drove to church one Sunday Morning, I heard the “Day 1” program on the radio which featured an interview with Dave Lewicki from the North Decatur Presbyterian church. He was about to preach a sermon on “Holiness” and the program director asked him about all the changes we are currently experiencing in the church. Pastor Dave said “anyone with at least one eye open can understand the natural landscape of the church is changing. There’s always been change but none more radical than the last couple of decades… The big question is about the long term role of buildings and property in the life of the church… A lot of churches are questioning whether they even need property to do ministry anymore. What we are seeing is… Christian ministry becoming more about people and less about places. It’s about people living lives day in and day out… How does the life we are called to live become a temple itself rather than building temples and destination points for people to come and find holiness.”

Another article I read on this subject made the point that there is no reference to buildings, building plans, building programs, or fundraising for buildings in the New Testament by the Lord, the Apostles, or the New Testament Church. Part of the changing “landscape of the church” seems to be the new “House Church” movement that is popular in our culture today. Graduates from our seminaries are being encouraged to become “church planters” who teach in “small groups” and encourage Christians to “do life together” instead of the traditional model which is centered around a building with a steeple.

What do you think?  What does the Bible say?  We know from the Bible that People are Important. Are Places Important Too?

Do we need Church Buildings?

  • Yes (94%, 16 Votes)
  • Not Sure (6%, 1 Votes)
  • No (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 17

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