
The Slippery Slope

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On Wednesday Night, Feb 26th , we will have a discussion about “the Slippery Slope of Same Sex Marriage.” One of the main arguments by preachers and politicians against Same Sex Marriage is the Slippery Slope. If our society accepts Same Sex Marriage then that action will be like a snowball which will roll down the “slippery slope” into an avalanche of larger problems later on.

Those in favor of Same Sex Marriage make fun of such arguments. They call it scare tactics. In a recent article in the “Gay Voices” section of the Huffington Post, one of their bloggers (William Dameron) makes the case that Same Sex Marriage is not a slippery slope issue. He disagrees that there will be any negative fallout at all. He predicts that “gay men will marry gay men. Lesbians will marry lesbians. Straight men and women will marry each other… LGBT couples will get to file one joint tax return instead of filling out multiple returns… LGBT married couples will receive the approximately 1100 federal rights that straight married couples receive… Straight people will not turn gay. No one will be allowed to marry their cat, dog or other animal and no one will be allowed to have multiple spouses… The institution of marriage will not be diminished… there will be greater acceptance of LGBT people and their families, better mental health of LGBT citizens, less bullying of LGBT teens, lower teen suicide rates, stronger legal protections for LGBT marriages and local economies experiencing a boost due to LGBT weddings.” He concludes “If any of these things lie at the bottom of that slope, then let it slide…”

This Wednesday Night, we will check the slippery slope in the State of Massachusetts and see how things are going after only 10 years since Same Sex Marriage was legalized.

What do you think?  Is this Same Sex issue a basic human right where people should have the liberty to do as they please in the privacy of their own homes or is it a slippery slope that will have a harmful impact on society?

Is Same Sex Marriage a "Slippery Slope"?

  • Yes (92%, 22 Votes)
  • No (8%, 2 Votes)
  • Not Sure (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 24

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