
Is the Syrian Crisis a Sign of the End Times?

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On Wednesday Night, Sep 18th,  we will have a discussion on Bible Prophecy. I’ve had several requests to study the current crisis in Syria as a possible Sign of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. On Monday, Sep 9th, Fox News program “Your World with Neil Cavuto” invited Joel Rosenberg on the show to explain the connection between the current crisis in Syria and certain prophecies in the Old Testament.

Joel Rosenberg is the son of a Jewish father and a Methodist mother. He became a “born again” Christian when he was 17 years old. He graduated from Syracuse University. He has worked as a research assistant for Rush Limbaugh and later, served as a campaign advisor for Steve Forbes when he was a candidate for President of the United States. He had been a consultant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He is now a writer of both Christian fiction and non-fiction.

Rosenberg has been described as a “modern Nostradamus” because several of his novels have “come true” shortly after they were published. “The Last Days” was a novel about the death of PLO leader Yasser Arafat.  Thirteen months after it was  published, Arafat died and the politics described in his book began to unfold. “The Last Jihad” was a novel about terrorists flying a plane into a skyscraper in a major US City – this book was written 9 months before 9/11.  And now, he has written “Damascus Countdown” which describes an international crisis in Syria that is related to weapons of mass destruction.

In the Fox News/ Cavuto interview, Rosenberg says “these prophecies [in Isaiah 17:1-3 and Jeremiah 49:23-27] are more than 2,700 years old, but they have NOT actually been fulfilled… [for] this prophecy… talks about the complete and utter destruction of Damascus. That’s an End Times or eschatological prophecy.”  While Rosenberg was careful to say that he does not know for certain that the current crisis in Syria is the fulfilment of Isaiah & Jeremiah’s prophecies – his new book holds out the possibility that a United States attack on Syria could be a sign of the Endtimes – a time in which Christians believe that Jesus Christ will return to rescue believers and defeat the Anti-Christ.

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Is the Syrian Crisis a Sign of the End Times?

  • Yes (50%, 8 Votes)
  • Not Sure (31%, 5 Votes)
  • No (19%, 3 Votes)

Total Voters: 16

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