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On Wednesday Night, April 24th, we will discuss Conspiracy Theories. A Conspiracy by definition means “to plan or plot secretly… to plan together secretly to commit an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act.”  Throughout history there have always been conspiracy theories. The main sources of conspiracy theories are usually we, the “little people,” who are not invited into the boardrooms and halls of power to see how decisions are made by the “big people” in the government. All “we” get is the press releases from “them.”  If the press releases make sense, we assume they are telling the truth. If the press releases do not seem to make sense – then we assume that something wrong is going on -or- to quote Shakespeare “there’s something rotten in the state of Denmark.”  That’s how conspiracy theories start. And thanks to the internet and conspiracy websites and forwarded chain  emails and you-tube and facebook and twitter, etc – these conspiracy theories travel quickly and widely these days.

Recently, FOX NEWS which is supposed to be conservative, “fair and balanced” ran a segment on “The Five” about conspiracy theorists which began in a light way – but soon progressed into a tirade against people who do not buy the governments press
releases on all the crazy things that are happening in the nation and the world today. They accused “conspiracy theorists” of being failures, jobless, smelly, toothless, stupid, and believers in aliens from outer space. Ironically, “The Five” – who are part of “the press” – who are supposed to be asking the government hard questions – are sitting there making fun of “the little people” for asking questions about recent happenings in the world that do not make sense.

Do you believe that there is a “behind the scenes” conspiracy to radically transform America into some kind of new world order?  Should Christians even be questioning our government or should we according to Romans 13:1 “be subject to the governing authorities”?      What would Jesus do? Did Jesus believe in conspiracy theories?  Before you answer, read John 7:14-25.

As we prepare for Wednesday Night, do you believe that there is a global conspiracy to unite the world under a central government? And if there is, what should we do about it? You are invited to vote and comment.

Is there Globalist Conspiracy?

  • Yes (83%, 15 Votes)
  • Not Sure (11%, 2 Votes)
  • No (6%, 1 Votes)

Total Voters: 18

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