
Apr 14 – High Attendance Day in Sunday School

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Our Wednesday night topic for April 10th will be Church Growth. Sunday, April 14th has been designated High Attendance Day in Sunday School at Northlake Baptist Church. “High Attendance” Sunday is a day when we remind ourselves to do THIS week what we should be doing EVERY week – invite our friends and neighbors who may not know the Lord to come to Bible Study with us and hear the Good News that there is Eternal Life in Jesus Christ. One of the reasons for having a High Attendance Sunday is based on our Sunday Morning Bible study. We realize from studying the Book of Acts that it is God’s Will for His church to grow – so that more and more people will enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

The real question for Wednesday Night is – How does this all apply to Northlake? Realistically, how much can we grow?  How big should our church be? How large will our facilities allow our church to grow?  Is it wise to consider enlarging our facilities in our current economic uncertainty?

We are surrounded by “Small” churches who seem to do well with discipleship, building close relationships, and meeting  peoples needs. But the smaller churches do not seem to be very evangelistic. They do not lead many people to faith in Jesus Christ.

And then there are the “Large” churches who seem to be evangelistic and can draw large numbers of people to their worship services – but they do not seem to do a very good job with discipleship or building relationships or meeting peoples needs. It’s not unusual to have visitors from the larger churches come to our church and say “I got sick and was out of church for a month and no one from the church seemed to notice!”

What do you think is God’s Will for the future growth of Northlake? In the last 5 years, Northlake has grown steadily from an average Sunday Morning attendance of 175 to around 300. 300 in attendance fills our facilities to roughly 80% capacity. We are debt-free and our monthly income is enough to pay the bills. Most church members would say we are doing fine!

Please check one of the choices below that best reflects your opinion of the growth of Northlake (which oddly enough sounds like Goldilocks and the 3 Bears !)

What do you think is God's will for the future growth of Northlake?

  • Northlake is Too Small (69%, 9 Votes)
  • Northlake is Just Right (31%, 4 Votes)
  • Northlake is Too Big (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 13

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