
Christian Libertarians?

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      On Wednesday Night May 9th, 2012 – we will be discussing Libertarianism. After many years of political gridlock in Washington, a third party appears to be emerging. Wikipedia describes the Libertarian party as the third largest and fastest growing political party in the United States. In the current Presidential race, Gary Johnson is the official Libertarian Party Candidate, but Ron Paul who is still running as a Republican has Libertarian political views and has campaigned earlier in 1988 as the Libertarian candidate for President of the United States.

      Another reason for the increase in the Libertarian movement is popularity of media personalities like Neil Boortz on WSB radio and John Stossel from FOX News.

      Recently, John Stossel, produced a program called “Illegal Everything” where he exposed how our government is seeking to control everything in our lives from a family that was not allowed to build a house on their own land because of wetlands legislation, to a man who had to remove a tree from his yard because it was the “wrong” kind of tree for the environment in his neigborhood, to little girls being raided by the police for selling lemonade or Girl Scout cookies. He goes on to show how government bureaucracy is gaining control over every aspect of our lives. After listing all the problems in our society – the stage is then set for solutions. And the solution according to people like Ron Paul, John Stossel, and Neil Boortz is Libertarianism.     

      Libertarians believe in liberty – individual liberty. They believe in small government – just enough government to maintain law & order – then let everyone mind their own business. They believe in freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to assemble, freedom to travel, and freedom from entanglements in foreign wars. They believe in the freedom of the individual to pursue “life, liberty, and the pursuit of hapiness.” Most believe in freedom of morality – which means that everyone ought to be free to make their own decisions about abortion, euthanasia, homosexuality, prostitution, gambling, drug use and abuse, etc.

      They also believe in free markets and in the freedom to fail. If you choose not to work and plan for your future, then you have the freedom to starve. If you choose not to buy health insurance in the free marketplace, then you have the freedom to suffer and die. If you choose to make unwise choices in your business, then your business has the freedom to fail. If you make unwise moral choices, then you have to pay for your own abortion, or STDs, or drug rehab. The US Taxpayer does NOT pick up the tab!   

      Our Question for the evening is – Where do Christians stand when it comes to Legalism or Liberty?  Are we in favor of rules and regulations -or- do we stand for Freedom?

As a Christian citizen of the USA - which party do you lean towards:

  • Republican (68%, 13 Votes)
  • Libertarian (16%, 3 Votes)
  • Not Sure (16%, 3 Votes)
  • Democratic (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 19

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