
Jesus, the 1st Socialist… ?

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       Wednesday Night, Feb 8th, we will discussing whether or not Jesus Christ was a Socialist. Last week, in President Barack Obama’s address to the National Prayer Breakfast, he based his willingness “as a Christian, to give something up for the common good on Jesus’ teaching that ‘for unto whom much is given, much shall be required’ … Treating others as you want to be treated. Requiring much from those who have been given so much. Living by the principle that we are our brother’s keeper.”

      Somewhere in all the news commentary about the Presidents address, someone referred to Jesus as “the first socialist.”  A Google search on “Jesus first socialist” yields over 13 million results! Now before we accept or reject the idea without any consideration – maybe we need to define socialism and then look at the teachings of Jesus from the New Testament.

      Socialism in the American Heritage Dictionary is “a social system in which the means of producing and distributing goods are owned collectively and political power is exercised by the whole community.” Socialism is a relatively new theory. It began in the 19th century in response to some of the negative aspects of capitalism and industrialism.  Capitalism without any regulation tends to separate society into 2 groups – the “Haves and the Have Nots” – the Rich and the Poor. Socialism was a reaction against that. Socialism was designed to redistribute the wealth of the rich and improve the lives of the poor.

      Obviously, since Jesus lived 1800 years before someone thought of socialism, we cannot technically call Him a socialist. But with all that in mind, please look at the references below and see whether Jesus’ teachings were socialistic.

*Mat 19:17-27 – Jesus told the “Rich Young Ruler” to sell all his possessions and give to the POOR.

*Mat 4:23 – Jesus showed compassion & offered “universal healthcare” to the SICK 

*Mat 25:31-46  Jesus teaches His followers about caring for the “LEAST of these”

*Mar 7:9-13 Jesus cared for the ELDERLY

      After the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Apostles and early Church leaders remained committed to His teachings concerning care for the poor.

*Act 2:44-45 “Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common, and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need.”

*Jam 2: 1-7  James refers to the teachings of Jesus when he warns the church about showing favoritism toward the rich and disrespect toward the poor.

*Paul in 1 Cor 11:17-22 – warns the church about division between the “Haves and Have Nots” observing the Lords Supper.

Were the teachings of Jesus more like:

  • Capitalism (44%, 7 Votes)
  • Not sure (44%, 7 Votes)
  • Socialism (13%, 2 Votes)

Total Voters: 16

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