
SBC Name Change

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On Wednesday night, October 12th, we’ve been asked to discuss the recent news that the Southern Baptist Convention is considering a name change.  SBC President Bryant Wright has announced that he has formed a Task Force to study the possibility of changing the name of the denomination.  A brief summary of  the reasons for the change is listed below:

1- “Southern” is a regional label. Maybe the name should be changed to something more global in scope since the Great Commission commands us to go and make disciples of ALL the nations (Mat 28:19).

2- “Southern” has some racial baggage associated with it. The SBC was formed in 1845 amid a dispute with other American Baptists about slavery.

3- “Southern” could be confusing when we are trying to start churches in the Northern parts of the USA. 

     Pastor Wright went on to say the cost of a name change would have to be considered and, of course, any name change would require the approval from the messengers at 2 consecutive annual SBC meetings.

Should the SBC change it's name?

  • No (69%, 11 Votes)
  • Yes (31%, 5 Votes)

Total Voters: 16

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