
Christians & Lawsuits

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The topic for Wednesday Night – Oct 5th – Christians and Lawsuits.  We’ve had several requests to do this one. First Corinthians 6:1-8 seems to discourage Christians from suing.  But as Christians, living in 21st century – Lawyers and lawsuits have become a part of every day life.

Example —  Suppose you go to the hospital for a necessary medical procedure. During the procedure, the doctor makes a mistake and you end up having to stay several extra days for treatment.  And suppose your health insurance  is not all that great – high deductable with miminal coverage. So you have already experienced extra pain and suffering  – and THEN you discover when you get your insurance statement that your insurance company is not willing to pay for all that extra care beyond the “customary & reasonable” charges for the original procedure.  You now have a bill for medical services that is way beyond your ability to pay.

In this case,

Is it OK for a Christian to sue the Doctor?

  • Yes (50%, 6 Votes)
  • No (50%, 6 Votes)

Total Voters: 12

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