
Is Youth Ministry contrary to Scripture?

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Wednesday Night – September 21st – we will be discussing whether or not our Youth Ministry and Sunday School are Bibical concepts – or- if we are just carrying on an unbiblical tradition that crept into the church a couple of centuries ago.  A few weeks ago, I was emailed a link to a video called “Divided.”  The well produced video lasted one hour and basically made the case that our modern church Youth Ministry, Sunday School, and any other age segregated ministries are contrary to Scripture.

          The video begins showing youth at a typical Christian Rock Concert with youth dressed & acting like pagans. The video spokesman, who was also a youth, began to interview the youth who were clueless. Then he interviewed some youth ministers who said they were hosting this fun event so that they could somehow attract these youth to church and then introduce them to Christ. Then the video begins to systematically prove that this abandonment of Gods way of Christian Education – and our acceptance of the educational ideas of the world is why the church is losing over 80% of our youth when they graduate from High School. 

          The video cites Scriptures like Deuteronomy 6:4-9 and makes the case that Gods design for education is the family model. Fathers and mothers carry their children to church and then the parents (NOT Sunday School Teachers or Youth Ministers) teach their children.  And this “family education’ was the way education was done until about 200 years ago – about the time of Charles Darwin and the Theory of Evolution.  The videographer then makes the point that all this age segregated training of children is a product of atheistic evolutionary concepts taught by the public education system.   

          In order to prepare for this discussion – please vote your opinion in the poll below and please study your Bibles to determine if our church is on a solid foundation when it comes to age segregated education of our children.

Is Youth Ministry contrary to Scripture?

  • No (67%, 6 Votes)
  • Yes (33%, 3 Votes)

Total Voters: 9

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