
End of Life Issues

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On Wednesday night, September 14, our topic will be “End of Life Issues.”  While no one wants to talk about Death and Dying,  it is an issue that we all must face.  And to further complicate matters, modern medical technology- which has given us many miracles to extend and improve our lives- has also further blurred the lines between life and death. It is difficult to make the decisions to end “life support” for our family members and then you have to deal with whether you made the RIGHT decision.

One of the ways of dealing with “End of Life” is a legal document called an Advanced Directive.  In order to prepare ourselves for our Wednesday Night Discussion – please answer the following question that is asked in most advanced directives.  “If I am in a terminal condition that will result in my death in a relatively short period of time – or – I am in a state of permanent unconsciousness – and – my condition has been certified in writing after personal examination by my attending physician and a second physician in accordance with currently accepted medical standards – I understand that I will be provided with comfort care, including pain relief . 

If I can nolonger communicate my treatment preferences – THEN:

  • Allow my natural death to occur (85%, 11 Votes)
  • Other (Please Comment) (15%, 2 Votes)
  • Try to extend my life as long as possible using all reasonable medical procedures (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 13

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