
Birth Control?

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Our Wednesday Night Topic for June 22nd will be Birth Control. Several months ago a newly wed couple asked me “Should Christians practice Birth Control?”  Apparently, they had made the decision to delay having children until the husband was a little more established in his job and they had paid off some bills and saved some money. That was their plan – until some of their Christians friends who already had several children told them that Birth Control was unBiblical. Their friends told them that according to Gods Word in Genesis 1:28 – married couples are commanded to ” Be fruitful and multiply” — so God expects married couples to live, love, and have as many children as possible.  And if you try to “love” in such a way that it interferes with Gods Natural law, then you are not living in Gods will. Please answer the following poll – and be prepared to give Biblical reasons for your vote this Wednesday Night.

Should Christian husbands & wives practice Birth Control?

  • Yes (93%, 14 Votes)
  • No (7%, 1 Votes)

Total Voters: 15

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